Wednesday, January 13, 2010

LOA Should Be Here Next Week!

The agency rep called me today to tell me that she expects to have our LOA next week!  Yea!!!! 
I asked her how long it was taking to get the travel invitation once our LOA goes back to China.  She said the least amount of time that she's seen is 2 weeks, and the norm is 3 weeks.  She says she expects us to travel after Chinese New Year, which is February 14.  Everything in China closes down for a week during Chinese New Year, so the CCAA will be closed from Feb. 13 - 20.  If our travel invitation comes before they close for New Year, then we should travel the end of Feb. or early March.


A Cup of Cold Water said...

yay!!!!!! i hope you are the exception to the norm and that it comes FAST!!!!! :)

Tina said...

Great news Becky! I know you are so excited! I am so happy for you!

Mike and Rhonda said...

Can you hear me screaming from here? So excited for all three of you!!!!!!

Nicole said...

YEAH!!! SO glad to hear this!