Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Few Videos

Earlier this year, Sophie started singing "Jesus Loves Me"
while playing the "drums".  I tried and tried to record her
performance, but she was having no part of it. 
Finally, one day I talked her into letting me
 record her singing.  As you will see, she obliged, but
when she was done, she was done.

It's so sweet to see Sophie saying the
Pledge of Allegiance.  She doesn't realize
it yet, but those will be some of the best words that she
will ever speak.  Also, Sophie wants to say the
blessing by herself before meals. It seems like yesterday
that we were just teaching her to say it.

I managed to get Sophie singing all of "God Bless America".
It's amazing what little sponges they are.
Quickly taking everything in. 

Last but not least, we have a new cheer for 3K.
It was supposed to be 2 Bits, but it turned into a cheer
for what Sophie loves to do!

1 comment:

Simply-Family said...

Those videos are so cute! Thanks for sharing.

Linda Groat, Shantou mom to Shanna